Thursday, November 13, 2014

The science behind controlling your mind (Binaural Beats)

Everyone tries to do simple things, like controlling our emotions, to gain control over the state of mind. It is also important to understand (scientifically) how your brain actually contributes to your state of mind.
All humans display 5 types of electrical signals (frequencies), technically called 'brain waves', across the cortex, which can also be observed with an EEG (ElectroEncephaloGraph). Each of these brain waves has a purpose and helps in optimal mental functioning. The 5 brain waves in the decreasing order of frequencies are named: Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.
Let us now understand each of these five brain waves and thereby learn how to control the state of mind. It is important to note that all these brain waves are equally important in optimal amounts to help us do our everyday tasks, so there is no single brain wave which is much 'better' than the others.
1. Gamma waves:
These are the highest frequency waves (40 Hz-100 Hz) and are believed to be associated with the complex functioning of the brain like learning, perception, information processing etc. Too much of gamma activity by the brain results in anxiety, stresses, high arousals, while too little gamma activity of the brain is believed to result in depression, learning disability, etc. It is believed that the mentally challenged persons have lower gamma activity of their brain. So always an optimal gamma activity has to be performed by the brain.

2. Beta waves:
These are the frequency waves between 14Hz-40Hz and are believed to be associated with conscious thoughts, focus, logical thinking, good memory, problem solving, reading, writing. Too much of beta activity by the brain results in anxiety, inability to relax, stress, while too little activity results in depression, poor cognition and daydreaming. The beta activity is generally increased when you drink caffine or other similar stimulants.

3. Alpha waves:
These have the frequency range between 8Hz-14Hz and optimal alpha activity helps us in calm down and promotes deep relaxation. It also helps us increase our imagination, visualization and concentration.

4. Theta waves:
These have frequency range between 4Hz-8Hz and optimal theta activity helps us in emotional connections, feelings and deepest insights.

5. Delta waves:
These have frequency range between 0-4Hz and are associated with deep relaxation, deep sleep, etc. These are also believed to be responsible to carry out the regular bodily functions like respiration, digestion, heartbeat while we are asleep and helps us feel rejuvenated after waking up in the morning.

Now having learnt about how the brain controls your state of mind, it is also important to know how to control and make sure your brain does the brain wave activity with the optimal amounts. One of the most common activities people do to gain control is by 'Meditation'. With the advancement of science and technology, you can control your state of mind with the help of 'Binaural Beats'.

Binaural Beats?
Imagine two similar sounds with a slight difference in their frequencies are presented one to each of your ears through headphones or speakers. Your brain will then integrate these two sounds and produces a third sound called binaural beat.
For example, imagine two similar sounds one with 200Hz and the other with 210Hz are presented to your right and left ears through a headphone. Since these sound waves add-up or cancel-out due to the phase difference, your brain will itself produce a new sound wave with a frequency which is equal to the difference of the sound waves coming from right and left ears, i.e., from the above example, your brain creates a new sound wave with a 10Hz frequency. Your brain waves with then try to 'match' or 'follow' this binaural beat that results in an increased brain wave activity of 10Hz (alpha state).
According to the studies, binaural beats are believed to originate in the brainstem's superior olivary nucleus and the information is carried out to the brainwaves activity through neurotransmitters. Thus, it is possible to utilize specific binaural beat frequency to control the specific brainwave activities.

What do I do now?
Everyday in the morning after you wake up, do meditation. First take a deep breath, then relax and while meditating you can place your headphones and listen to the binaural sounds being played from your mp3 player or mobile. Below, I have also attached a 30 minute audio of the binaural sound.
The total duration of the audio is 30 minutes. The audio begins with a theta frequency of 6Hz and plays for the first 7 minutes. Then the audio moves up for 30seconds to the alpha frequency of 10Hz and plays for another 7 minutes. Then the audio again moves up for 30seconds to the gamma frequency of 40Hz and plays for another 15 minutes. Various other frequencies of binuaral sounds are also available in youtube.

courtesy: "Audio Entertainment premium meditation music & binural beats" channel-YouTube

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

How to cancel voices from a song?

Many of us like to listen to our favorite songs (through online or from a saved file on computer) and try to sing along with it. And if you are not a good singer you know what's the result, the original voice overtakes you. Then you might be thinking of having the song only with the background music and the original voice cancelled, so that you can sing along with the background music. Here is a simple way to cancel the voices from any song (either playing it online or offline) directly by changing some settings on your system and without using any 3rd party software.
Step1: Go to "Control Panel", then "Sound"
Step2: Either click on the "Sound" tab itself, or click on "manage audio devices".
(Do not click on "Adjust volume" or "change sounds").
Step3:  You can now see a dialogue box like below:

Step4: Now click on the playback device "Speakers" and then you can see the "Properties" option enabled. Now click on "Properties". It then opens the following dialogue box:

Now click on the "Enhancements" tab, that would look like:

You can see the "Voice Cancellation" option is disabled by default. Now you can enable it and press OK to confirm changes.

That's it. Now you can enjoy the songs only with the background music and without vocals. I have tried it personally on many songs and I would say it works 80% perfect. Of course you cannot expect it to cancel voices 100%, though it depends on the song itself (on the vocal frequency), but it would suffice for your practice at home. Of course this is may not suit for professional works.

And remember not to forget to change back the settings (i.e, disable "voice cancellation") when you are done!